

10th grade student, drawer, baker, dreamer. I like music, sweets and shopping like any other fag.


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© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

junio 2009
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octubre 2009
noviembre 2009
diciembre 2009
enero 2010
febrero 2010
abril 2010
mayo 2010
octubre 2010
noviembre 2010
diciembre 2010
enero 2011
febrero 2011
abril 2011
mayo 2011
junio 2011
julio 2011
agosto 2011
septiembre 2011
title: True Self
date: martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

Producer's notes:
Written with my own past in mind, this is a message to my friends and young people.
To the people in the modern world who have come to depend on the online community, dont we all feel a bit dissatisfied and lonely?
In order to cover the loneliness, we depend even more heavily on the net.
But in the end, we still feel unsatisfied, but its troublesome to deal with people, so we go back to the net
We are trapped in this loop.
The dimly lit digital garden = PC and mobile phone connected to the internet.
There are a lot of teenagers that feel lonely and uneasy if they are not always sending and receiving mails on their cell phone.
Could their heart be fulfilled this way?
In order to escape from this loneliness, there is no other way but to make changes yourself.
Although you might fear other people, but other people are afraid also
There is no one who want to approach someone who isnt smiling
Around you, arent there people who
Easily become irritated, and are always suspicious of other people?
These kinds of people doesnt have much friends, right?
In other peoples mind, are you smiling?
Please be smiling.
This is such a song.
Sorry if I sound pompous.
The first part of this song is [myself], and the second part is the [other self] who cry out the true feeling born from loneliness.
As one move forward, the loneliness fades away, [the other self] will probably also vanish.
But [the other self] would still watch over you, so please move forward by yourself.
And may [the other self] never have to appear again.

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title: BARGH
date: viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

ya llegaron, los tan temidos exámenes..
damn, este año me estoy estresando más que antes ;; i mean, aparte de los del colegio tengo otros exámenes también.. no creo que apruebe todos orzUu
así que estas 2 semanas voy a tratar de estudiar más que la cresta ; _;Uu si me saco una mala nota me suicido.. kay ni tanto, pero igual.
tengo cuco de que me cueste mucho, porque justo ahora tengo otros problemas aparte de el stress..
-sigh- anyway
wish me luck!

btw, se han dado cuenta de que no ando escuchando música china? 8D solo coreana tho


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